Jeremy in July/01 just before his surgery. You can see his left leg abnormalities as well as how his right foot curves in. This is a picture of Jeremy on the day he came home from the hospital, 3 days after his surgery. He had a full leg cast on his right leg and a bandage on his left. Jeremy was back to standing on one leg shortly after the surgery, even with the cast on! 
2 1/2 months after the surgery, Jeremy was all heeled. 
Jeremy got his 1st prosthesis on Oct. 31/00, 3 1/2 months after his surgery. He was almost 17 months old. It was such a happy day for us, we waited for this day for a long time! We choose to have the prosthesis laminated with tractor material. In this picture you can see how curved in his right foot is. 
It didn't take Jeremy very long to learn to walk with his toy walker. This is one of his favorite things to do still to this day! 
When Jeremy was 22 months old he would stand for very short periods of time all by himself! We were so happy to see him do this! Sometimes he would even take a step or two before falling.
After 8 months of having his prosthesis, Jeremy finally took his FIRST STEPS on July 5/01 and I was even lucky enough to catch it on camera!! He was 25 months of age when he started to walk. Walking is a normal child development stage but after all that Jeremy has been through and how long I have waited, it felt like he climbed Mount Everest!!! I'll NEVER forget the warm feeling in my heart the first time I saw him take his FIRST STEPS!!!!!
July 12/01-Jeremy walking and caught on camera - almost looks like he's in a race! He is walking more and more everyday, but still resorts to crawling a lot. In time, that will change. Jeremy received his 3rd prosthesis in January 2002 - he is a growing boy!!! He really likes the tractors on his prosthesis so we stayed with them for one more time.